Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tranquille....Not So Serene

Today my daughter and I took a drive out to the old Tranquille Sanatorium. At first it was a hospital that treated TB patients, and was quite successful until the early 1940's, when they found that medicine better treated the ailment. It was then turned into a hospital for the mentally challenged and was run by the BC government until the late 1980's. Since then it has been bought and sold several times with each buyer espousing grand plans for development. Most of the buildings are abandoned and falling apart, but there are a few that are occupied.
I was happily taking pictures from the road when a rather portly young man (I am being polite) speed up to me and threatened to take my camera. This is what happens when bullies grow up and realize they can't get a real job. Unfortunately for him I am very much aware of my rights and, being a red head, dared him. I also made a big show of writing down his license plate.

I was somewhat confused by this silo and wondered what caused the dome to go askew. We shall have to see how long it takes to completely fall off.
It's too bad this site has been allowed to go to ruin. Most of the buildings are too far gone to ever be restored to their previous state.
Unfortunately most of the buildings contain asbestos and would need to be stripped before they could be used again. The cost is likely too high.

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